A dog sniffs a stethoscope. Have pictures and videos of really cute puppies and kittens been flooding your feed lately? Or have you taken it one step further over the past several weeks or months and adopted a four-legged angel of your own? Perhaps due to our increased time at home right now, or the need for a little emotional support, young pets are making a huge impact on folks of all ages. 

Kitten and puppy care is definitely rewarding, but it’s not always easy or straightforward. Luckily, we’ve got some tips to make your journey through animal infancy as enjoyable as possible. 

Gearing Up

Kitten and puppy care requires essential items like bedding, chew toys, food and water dishes, age-appropriate food, crate, litter and litter box, doggie bags, travel kennel, and more. If you have most of the things they need before you bring home a puppy or kitten, the more time you can spend helping them acclimate.

Consider This

The cuteness factor makes it easy for puppies and kittens to get adopted, but many owners aren’t fully aware of the significant lifestyle adjustment that’s inherent in pet adoption. Young pets need round-the-clock supervision, so be sure to have someone you can tag team with in case you have to leave for work, shopping and more. When you are prepared for these eventualities, your new pet is  more likely to fit right in.

First Introductions

Kitten and puppy care is usually much easier under the advice of our veterinary team. We encourage you to schedule your pet’s first wellness exam within a week so we can get a jump start on their lifelong wellness. 

Keep the following in mind for your pet’s first visit:

  • If you have records from the shelter or breeder, please bring them with you. 
  • At their initial wellness exam, we’ll closely assess their weight, muscle tone, bone growth, and screen them for any abnormalities. Dental care will also be introduced. 
  • We may ask you to provide a stool sample to get ahead of any internal parasites, and we will talk about the importance of parasite prevention.

Disease Prevention

Vaccinations are critical to kitten and puppy care. Starting at about 8 weeks of age, routine shots are scheduled at various increments throughout the first year. Boosters are scheduled after that. Until they are fully vaccinated, young animals are at risk of contracting numerous diseases and should not be allowed to hang around dog parks, day cares, grooming salons, kennels. 

No In Between

Another major element of kitten and puppy care is sterilization. To reduce unwanted litters, prevent unwelcome behaviors, and minimize reproductive cancers, spaying or neutering your pet is a part of their overall wellness plan.

Microchipping is also essential as an added layer of protection should your pet ever become lost or separated from you.

Me Plus You

Dedicated, loving support during their early months is crucial to lifelong success. Puppies and kittens are highly impressionable and must have positive introductions to various people, animals, environments, and activities. In other words, during this time, your young friend will learn everything they need to know to live happily and safely in human society. 

Daily exercise helps young pets burn off extra energy and sharpens their physical and mental acuity. Play is good for everyone in the family!

Kitten and Puppy Care

Please let us know if you have any questions about kitten or puppy care. We are so happy to meet new friends!