Natural Pet Remedies That Really Work

Traditional veterinary medicine has elevated disease prevention, treatment, surgery, and pain management to benefit millions of companion animals. When paired with holistic veterinary medicine, pets can achieve whole-body health, vitality, and longevity. This integrative approach is becoming more mainstream, in part because of the myriad alternatives to prevent or soothe various illnesses/injuries. In response to the growing curiosity, we’d like to share a few effective natural pet remedies that can provide relief and support.
The Viewpoint
Many common conditions affecting pets can be effectively treated with a combination of traditional medicine and holistic techniques. A purely western approach to osteoarthritis, for example, would include pain medication, nutritional supplementation, or weight loss recommendations. However, when paired with acupuncture, physical rehabilitation, herbal medicine, and massage, a pet with painful symptoms can feel better much sooner.
For Your Consideration
At The Bluffs Pet Clinic, your pet can be seen and assessed for both traditional and holistic medicine. Acupuncture and Tui-na (manual bodywork) are incredible modalities for healing and disease prevention, and deliver excellent results to treat digestive issues, pain, and behavioral problems (to name a few). Herbal therapy may also be used in tandem for a broad-spectrum approach.
Where to Start
In addition to acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage, other natural pet remedies can be applied at home to help pets combat various problems. Despite something being labeled as “natural,” certain applications may not be safe for your pet. We advise all pet owners to consult their veterinarian before employing any natural pet remedies.
Natural Pet Remedies
Many pet owners swear by the following natural pet remedies, and never run low on their inventory at home:
- Oatmeal. Chock-full of anti-inflammatory properties, oatmeal offers tremendous relief to a pet with itchy skin. Allergies can cause severe itching, but applying a paste of this non-toxic (and tasty) treatment for immediate and long-lasting relief.
- Yogurt. Live probiotic organisms in plain yogurt can keep a pet’s digestive issues in check. Calcium and protein are important factors in nutritional health to combat disease and maintain optimal growth and development.
- Chamomile tea. If your pet has muscle pain or weakness, or tender joints, add a little brewed chamomile tea to their food or water bowls (after it cools!). Some pets may also lap it up or take it from an oral syringe. Soaking a cloth in the tea, or filling a spray bottle with chilled tea can also treat minor rashes or irritations when applied directly to the skin.
- Epsom salt. In addition to treating sore muscles in a bathtime treatment, epsom salt can also be used to clean wounds or abscesses, especially on or near the feet.
- Hydrogen peroxide. When combined with baking soda and dish soap, hydrogen peroxide can neutralize malodorous skunk smell, post-spray (four cups peroxide, 1 cup baking soda, and a dash of soap). Apply liberally to the coat after getting skunked, and continue the treatment until the smell subsides. This can also be used when expressing the anal glands.
We’re Here For Your Pet
If you have questions about our natural pet remedies, or our approach to holistic veterinary medicine, please call us at (651) 388-1103. The Bluffs Pet Clinic is always here to help!