The Weather is Frightful, So is the Food: Preventing a Pet Poisoning This Holiday Season

A small dog licking its lips at the sight of human foodThe holidays are all about families celebrating together. Tables overflowing with savory, decadent food, champagne glasses clinking, and abundant greenery adorning every surface and walkway. All of this sounds lovely, but when you add your pet to the mix, your sparkling holiday scene could turn into a disaster rather quickly. While there’s definitely room for concern, pet poisoning around the holidays can be prevented when you learn to recognize the common culprits.


From advent calendars to Hanukkah gelt, chocolate is ubiquitous during the holidays. It’s given as gifts, it’s a showpiece on the dessert buffet, and it even makes an appearance in cocktails.

Depending on the amount and type of chocolate consumed, theobromine is responsible for hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tremors, seizures, or even heart attack in pets.

Keep all chocolate on surfaces your pet can’t reach and away from the floor. Remember, the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. Know what to look for in a pet poisoning, and call us immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested any chocolate.

Pet Poisoning and the Dining Table

It might seem relatively easy to keep chocolate out of the house, off the menu, or away from the table, but many other ingredients can pose risks. Onions, garlic, xylitol-sweetened goodies, desserts with raisins, and alcohol can all result in a pet poisoning.

Fatty or rich foods can result in a painful turn of pancreatitis, leading to emergency treatment, medical support, and lab work.

Also, rising dough may seem appetizing to your pet, but yeasted, uncooked dough can create sizable complications in the GI tract.


Garlands on banisters, over doorways, or on the mantel are par for the season, but you may want to consider artificial greenery. Pine needles from garlands, wreaths, or the holiday tree can lead to serious GI problems or get stuck in your pet’s delicate paw pads.

In addition, poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly berries can result in a pet poisoning if ingested by a curious (or hungry) pet. Keep plants off the floors and out of your pet’s reach.

Unpredictable Natures

You may have done your due diligence when it comes to the prevention of a pet poisoning, but if you’re entertaining guests, all your hard work may quickly dissipate.

Please inform any visitors of your concerns. Remind them to not feed your pet from the table, to clean up any plates or cups left out, and ask that all medications be stored safely. NSAIDs, acetaminophen, antidepressants, sleep aids, and more must always be kept out of sight and out of reach.

If you anticipate that your cat might be exposed to great risk this holiday season, please consider our feline boarding services.

Happy, Yet Safe, Holidays!

We hope your pet remains safe and sound this holiday season. If you have any questions about pet poisoning, we urge you to contact us. You can never be too prepared for a pet emergency. Remember, our team is always here to assist you.

The Link Between Pet Obesity and Exercise

With pet obesity numbers skyrocketing (over half of all cats and dogs!), it’s critical to not only measure precise meal portions, but to keep a daily exercise routine, as well.

A very overweight catAnimals love to eat as much as we do. Some like to snack throughout the day – and relish every bite – while others enjoy scarfing down their meals in a single gulp (only to beg for more). Free-feeding doesn’t always result in an overweight pet, but when pets consume more calories than they need on a daily basis, weight gain is guaranteed. With pet obesity numbers skyrocketing (over half of all cats and dogs!), it’s critical to not only measure precise meal portions, but to keep a daily exercise routine, as well.

Connect the Dots

Pet obesity is linked to various illnesses, such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Because it decreases overall health and wellness, excessive weight affects life expectancy. The good news? It’s 100% preventable!

The Reality

Most pet owners caring for overweight or obese pets perceive their pets as being at a normal weight. Some pet owners may not realize what their pet’s optimal weight is, but this pet weight check guide provides a lot of guidance on the subject. Being able to feel the ribs, see an hourglass figure when looking down at the length of the back, and seeing an obvious tuck of the abdomen are excellent markers for ideal weight.

Counting Calories

The best defense against pet obesity is a two-fold approach. It’s absolutely vital to maintain proper nutrition for your pet’s breed, species, age, and lifestyle. Use this Calorie Counter to ensure your pet’s current weight is commensurate with portion size. Changing your pet’s diet and caloric intake can have surprising results; we’re happy to help you with this.

If you offer snacks, alter your pet’s meal portions. Try raw fruits and fresh veggies (but never raisins/grapes, onions, garlic, and more).

Have Fun!

The second component has to do with daily exercise. If your usual routine borders on the mundane, take your dog to new places to get into an exciting exercise flow. Also, take them wherever you go to keep them moving throughout the day. Many places are becoming “pet-friendly.” Introduce them to new friends and keep them active as much as possible between meals.

Cats who spend most/all of their time indoors can benefit from a “catio” or an enclosed outdoor space. Keep their interests in mind (jumping, chasing, climbing, scratching, etc.) when designing and constructing this enclosure to maximize activity levels.

Reversing Pet Obesity

Pet obesity is preventable, but when it’s recognized, diagnosed, and handled correctly, it’s reversible. Make sure to keep your pet’s routine wellness exams every 6-12 months. If there are any changes to your pet’s weight (even slight ones), we can step in right away to prevent obesity-related problems down the road.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to us at The Bluffs Pet Clinic of Red Wing.

How to check over your pet at home

An orange cat licking its pawsExamining your pet at home is a good way to catch problems early. This should not be used to replace your doctor visit, however, as your veterinarian has additional resources and training to evaluate your pet.  Here are some tips to assist you in checking your pet over.

Starting at your pet’s head, check the eyes for any discharge, cloudiness, sensitivity or loss of vision.

Next, lift up the ear flaps, smell the ears and look for debris or what may appear as dirt in the ears or redness on the ear flaps or outer ear. Normal ears should be clean and free of odor, with no redness.

Lift the lips and check for tartar on all the teeth. There should not be an offensive odor from the mouth. Are the gums red? Any discharge coming from the teeth?

Feel under the neck for any swelling.

Then check over their skin from head to tail and feel the skin as well as look for anything abnormal such as lumps, hair loss, dander, redness, scabs etc.

Next, you will check their legs. Start at the feet-check their toe nails and look for anything hidden between the pads, any redness between the toes on the top or underside. Note any swelling or pain as you handle the feet and limbs.

Next, lift up the tail and look underneath. Is there any stool present or evidence of diarrhea? Any swelling around the butt?

Finally, evaluate your pet’s weight. They should have a nice hour-glass figure when looking from the top down and a nice tuck in their abdomen when looking at the side view. Their hips, shoulders and bones in the spine should not be prominent.

Make sure to bring your pet in to have a veterinarian check them over at least once a year, and more frequently as indicated if there are any problems.

For Lifelong Health, Put Pet Wellness First

A dog wearing a snazzy hat and sunglassesMost pet owners see their pets as bona fide members of the family – a perception that, fortunately, leads to providing them with the best possible care. Undoubtedly, this means seeking out veterinary care when it’s needed the most. But there’s more to pet wellness than just the necessary vaccinations and young pet examinations.

Your pet deserves lasting health, a goal easily supported by routine screenings and disease prevention.

Proactive Versus Reactive

The old adage if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it applies to so many things in modern life, but when it comes to pet wellness the opposite is true. It’s common to seek out medical attention only when absolutely critical, as in the case of a sudden illness or injury, but for the fullest, healthiest life, routine exams are essential for responsible pet owners.

While we cannot prevent an accident from occurring, The Bluffs Pet Clinic can help to stop developing conditions before they get out of hand. When we see your pet regularly, we’re able to screen for, diagnose, and treat potential problems. Not only does this lead to a better prognosis, this process can save you from costly emergency treatments down the road.

What to Expect at Pet Wellness Exams

Animals age faster than humans, making yearly or bi-annual veterinary examinations very important. Overall prevention is our guide, but stopping or slowing the effects of disease play important roles as well.

A complete physical exam typically leads to the following:

  • Dental examination (assessing bad breath, bleeding or swollen gums, loose or missing teeth, etc.)
  • Immunizations as needed for your pet’s age and lifestyle
  • Blood test to detect heartworm
  • Fecal analysis

Your pet may seem completely healthy, but common diagnostics can reveal illness early. Lab work is an integral part of routine visits, and the results allow us to intervene early and successfully.

Additionally, we take the opportunity to discuss protection against parasites, nutritional needs, behavior, and weight management. Taking the time to address your questions and concerns is also a top priority during pet wellness exams.

Thoughts on Reproductive Health

Some pet owners erroneously believe that an intact pet is healthier, but spaying or neutering your pet can add an extra layer of health. Pets that undergo this minor surgery are less likely to develop certain types of cancer and have lower incidences of other reproductive health problems. Finally, spayed or neutered pets are less likely to roam, which minimizes the chance of loss or injury.

Golden Oldies

Thanks to modern veterinary advances and dedicated owner involvement, we have the collective ability to monitor a pet’s health from infancy through the geriatric years. Pet wellness care means different things for a puppy or kitten than a senior pet, and together we can contribute to lifelong health, happiness, and safety.

Pet Wellness at Home

A vital component of ownership is observing any changes, however subtle, at home. Animals mask illness, so it’s a good idea to check your pet out at home on a daily basis. Grooming, dental care, and physical activities can be a part of this, as well.

If we can assist you with questions or concerns, we invite you to call us. Together, we can have a significant impact on your pet’s health, happiness, and longevity.

The Prevention and Treatment of Pet Diabetes

An overweight dog sitting on the groundAs a dedicated pet owner, you want to do your best to ensure your pet is at the top of their game. That means providing top-notch food, daily opportunities for exercise, and access to routine wellness care. Sometimes, however, pets develop an illness despite their owner’s best efforts. Pet diabetes is one of many age-related conditions that can not only be treated and controlled, it can also be prevented.

What is Pet Diabetes?

Glucose is a sugar that’s produced from digested food. Absorbed by the intestines, glucose travels throughout the body via the bloodstream as a source of energy. In order for cells to absorb the glucose, insulin is required. Produced in the pancreas, the amount of insulin required depends on the level of glucose in the blood.

Pet diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or as the result of the body’s inability to sufficiently utilize insulin. In turn, blood glucose levels are profoundly impacted, and unused glucose accumulates in the bloodstream.

Connecting the Dots

Pet diabetes can affect any pet regardless of species, age, gender, and breed. However, it’s more common among senior petsobese or significantly overweight pets, and those with genetic predispositions.

Know the Signs

Common side effects of pet diabetes include:

  • Excessive thirst and commensurate urination
  • Excessive appetite while losing weight
  • Sleepiness or lethargy
  • Neglecting grooming needs
  • Thinning or dull, dry hair
  • Cloudy eyes

A physical examination and urine test are often needed for diagnosis. We look for glucose in the urine, as well as ketones (the by-product of the body breaking down fat instead of glucose for energy). If glucose is detected, we’ll draw blood to measure the blood glucose level.

Time, Patience, and Dedication

Early diagnosis, effective treatment, and daily monitoring are the keys to enhancing a diabetic pet’s length and quality of life. While there’s no cure for pet diabetes, daily insulin injections, a prescription diet, and regular exercise round out the methods for successful treatment. We highly recommend adhering to a wellness plan in order to prevent and/or mitigate diabetes-related health problems, such as:

  • Cataract formation
  • Blindness
  • Weakened hind legs
  • Nerve damage
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Weakness

Nutritional counseling can help control blood glucose levels, as well as mapping out strict meal times for your cat or dog.National Pet Diabetes Month

November is National Pet Diabetes Month, and we’re proud to help raise awareness about this condition and help pet owners cope with the potential challenges related to pet diabetes.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health, our veterinarians are always here for you. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Hiking and Hunting with Pets

Before you pack a bag for the day and head out to the trail, be sure to brush up on these tips for hunting and hiking with pets.

The weather is cooling down and it’s the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors with your favorite furry friend. Before you pack a bag for the day and head out to the trail, be sure to brush up on these tips for hunting and hiking with pets.

Bring More Water than You Think You Need

Whether you’re going out for a quick hike or planning to spend the day hunting pheasant, water is absolutely essential for both you and your pet. Dehydration is still a risk for both humans and animals even as the weather cools down.

Pack a collapsible dog bowl for your pet and give them some water anytime you take some for yourself. You should also do your best to keep your pet from drinking from puddles or other standing water that might have dangerous bacteria.

Pack a First-Aid Kit

Even if you and your pet are in great physical condition, you should always pack a first-aid kit so you have what you need in case of an emergency. Include some bandages and adhesive tape. It is also a good idea to have an ice pack and an emergency blanket.

Know the Laws

Avoid a run-in with a park ranger by taking the time to research your hiking or hunting area before you go. Most U.S. National Parks do not allow dogs and many other areas have pretty specific leash laws. Other hiking trails that allow pets have designated areas where they can be off leash. Any pets that go hiking or hunting should respond well to voice commands.

Remember You Are Hiking with Pets

As long as you properly prepare, hunting or hiking with pets can be a fun, active activity that helps you enjoy the natural beauty around you. Whenever you go hiking or hunting, be sure to tell someone where you’re going and when you expect to be back. Bring your phone so you can call for help if you need it. Make sure you’re wearing comfortable hiking boots and consider getting boots for your furry friend to protect his or her paws.

Before you leave your house, check the weather so you know what kind of clothes to wear. If the weather will be extremely warm or really cold, pack some extras for your pet, too. You should always put an orange reflective vest and a collar on your pet if you are bringing them hunting.

Schedule an appointment at The Bluffs Pet Clinic of Red Wing to make sure your pet is ready for hunting and hiking season. Whether you need a general wellness check or want to get a flea and tick preventive, our veterinary team will help you prepare your pet for the trails. We want you to have fun and be safe. Call us to learn more or to request a visit with one of our vets.

Why Pets and Candy Make for a Chilling Halloween Tale

A dog sitting with their human friend looking in candy bucketsPets are nothing if not opportunistic. They’re constantly sniffing out the next interesting thing to play with or eat, and the temptations around Halloween are practically endless. Pets and candy are always a bad combination, but this time of year seems especially risky.

Whether you’re passing out candy or expecting your own little ghosts and goblins to bring home a hefty stash (or both!), you’ll want to take the proper precautions when it comes to your furry family members.

The Scoop on Pets and Candy

Sugary treats aren’t appropriate for pets in general, but some foods are more dangerous than others. Make sure to avoid the following ingredients found in many Halloween goodies:

  • Chocolate – By now, most pet owners know that chocolate isn’t safe for dogs to eat. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which are difficult for dogs to metabolize. The size of your pet and the amount and type of chocolate consumed (dark and baker’s chocolate are more toxic than milk chocolate) will influence your pet’s reaction. Signs of chocolate toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive panting, increased heart rate, and seizure (in extreme cases).
  • Sugar-free candy – Sugar substitutes are all the rage these days, so chances are good that your child will end up with a sugar-free treat or two in their bag this year. Xylitol, a popular sugar alternative found in many candies and gum, is highly toxic to dogs. It can cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar, kidney failure, and even death. If your dog has ingested xylitol, they should be seen for treatment right away.
  • Raisins – Your kids may not be thrilled to see a box of mini raisins in their bag, but your pet may find it irresistible. Raisins can be quite toxic to pets, and it only takes a small amount to produce symptoms such as lethargy, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and kidney failure (in extreme cases).

Wrap It Up

To some pets, the outside of the candy is just as interesting as the inside. Eating plastic, paper, aluminum wrappers, lollypop sticks, and other non-edible items can put your pet at risk for intestinal blockage, which often requires costly x-rays and surgery to repair.

A Spooky (and Safe!) Halloween

The best way to protect your pet is to make sure they don’t have access to any goodies. Move that bowl of candy by the door to a high shelf or cupboard, and make sure the kids dump out their haul on the table instead of the living room rug. Always supervise your pet anytime candy or treats are present, and make sure everyone in the family knows the dangers associated with pets and candy.

If you know or suspect your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at The Bluffs Pet Clinic. We’re always here to help!

It’s a Heat Wave: All About Pet Heat Safety

At The Bluffs Pet Clinic we often see pets who have problems related to the warm weather, and many of them are preventable when we are aware of the risk. Beat the heat this summer with our pet heat safety tips.

A dog drinking some water from a bowl outsideWhile Minnesota may not exactly be known for its sweltering temperatures, we get our fair share of hot days in the summer. At The Bluffs Pet Clinic we often see pets who have problems related to the warm weather, and many of them are preventable when we are aware of the risk. Beat the heat this summer with our pet heat safety tips.

Keeping Cool

As the temperatures rise, so does the risk of heat exhaustion in our pets. Just like people, sustained increases in body temperature can have serious and even fatal consequences.

Even in less intense heat, our pets are more prone to overheating than we are. Be sure to monitor closely for signs that your pet is becoming distressed.

Early symptoms of heat exhaustion can include panting, restlessness, increased breathing rate, decreased activity level, drooling, and vomiting or diarrhea.

If your pet is exhibiting any of these signs, it is time to head indoors. If ignored, heat exhaustion can progress to weakness, incoordination, seizures, coma, and even death. If you are worried about heat stroke in your pet, it is an emergency.

Help your pet keep cool by:

  • Avoiding leaving your pet in the car, even with the windows down or for a seemingly short time
  • Provide plenty of shade and fresh when you are outdoors
  • Offer fresh, cool water often
  • Try to spend time outdoors during the cooler parts of the day
  • Providing a small wading pool or other source of water can help your pet beat the heat when supervised
  • Always monitor your pet’s activity levels while outside

Avoiding Burns

The sun is a powerful force, and an important part of pet heat safety is preventing burns.

Hot surfaces prevent a unique challenge for our canine friends. While we typically wear shoes while outdoors, our pets do not. Remember that if you can’t hold your hand to a surface for at least ten seconds, it is too hot for your pooch to walk on. Surfaces such as asphalt, sand, pavement, and even packed dirt can result in paw pad burns.

Our pets are susceptible to sunburns as well, particularly if they have a shorter hair coat or are light in color. The ear tips, nose, lips, and underbelly tend to be most susceptible. Try to avoid the times of the day when the sun is most intense or look for a pet-specific sunscreen or pet clothes with SPF.

Pet Heat Safety for Special Pets

Some pets are more susceptible to the summer heat than others. In particular use extra caution for animals who are:

  • Very old
  • Very young
  • Overweight
  • Have other health concerns
  • Brachycephalic (breeds with a short nose such as Pugs, Bulldogs, and Shih Tzus)

These animals are unable to cool themselves efficiently and may find themselves in trouble more quickly than others. No matter what type of pet you have, leaving them unattended in the heat is never a good idea.

Keeping yourself and your pets cool this summer is key to having a great time. Don’t hesitate to call us, though, if you find yourself in trouble with the summer heat.

The Principles of Summer Pet Care

A golden retriever laying in the sand of a beachSummer may be halfway over, but the possibilities for fun with your pet are still endless…a game of fetch in Memorial Park, a hike along Barn Bluff Trail, or a trip to one of the many lakes in our area, for starters.

As fun as it is to enjoy the great outdoors with a pet, it’s important to keep in mind that too much time in the sun can pose a real danger to our four-legged friends. Practicing proper summer pet care is essential for an enjoyable and safe summer for your pet.

Heat-Related Dangers

One of the absolute best ways to prevent your pet from succumbing to the dangerous effects of heatstroke is to never, ever leave him or her unattended in a vehicle. Even if a car is parked in the shade–even if the windows are down, and even if it’s only for a few minutes, the temperature inside a vehicle in the summer can still climb high enough to injure or kill your pet. Play it safe and leave Fido at home.

Summer Pet Care at Home

Keeping pets hydrated and providing adequate protection from the sun are important components of summer pet care. Make sure your pet has access to plenty of fresh water at all times, both indoors and out, as well as a shady spot to relax in when the sun gets to be too much. Similarly, keep pets indoors during the hottest part of the day.

Paw Protection

Our pets’ paw pads are more sensitive than we realize, and the summer months can be especially hard on them. Surfaces like asphalt, concrete, wood, metal, sand, and packed dirt absorb heat all day long, and surface temperatures can exceed 120 degrees long after the sun has set.

Place your palm down to check and make sure that a surface isn’t too hot for your pet. If it feels hot to you, it will feel hot to them, too. If you notice your pet limping or licking at his or her feet after spending time outdoors, a paw soak in room temperature water can be soothing. However, if you notice any discoloration to the pads or exposed tissue, please contact usimmediately.

Watchful Walking

Walking and hiking are fun and important parts of life for both people and pets. With our long winters, we understandably want to spend as much time on these activities as possible this time of year! Keep the following safety tips in mind when it comes to exercising with your pets:

  • Restrict walks and hikes to the early morning or evening hours, when temperatures are cooler
  • Allow your dog to walk in the grass to protect the paw pads from heat-related injuries
  • Keep walks and hikes short and easy to prevent overheating
  • Take frequent breaks in the shade to allow your pet to rest and drink water

If you have any questions about ensuring a safe and fun summer for your best pal, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at The Bluffs Pet Clinic!

Practicing proper summer pet care is essential for an enjoyable and safe summer for your pet.

How to Ensure a Great Vacation For You and Your Dog

A boxer with its face out of a windowHere comes summer and road trips with your dog. Taking Fido on vacation can be fun for the family and your dog, if you plan with care, and always keep your dog’s best interests in mind.

Here’s a collection of vital tips to ensure your dog is safe and enjoys the trip as much as you do.

Getting Started

Begin preparing for your dog one month ahead of your trip. Here are the top pre-trip “to-do’s.”

  1. Visit your vet and microchip your dog. That’s the only certain way to ensure your dog can be identified if lost. Collars and tags can fall off. Microchips are permanent. For more information, call The Bluffs Pet Clinic.
  2. While at the vet, make sure all vaccines are current and that your dog’s rabies tag is, too. Your vet can provide certificates for all vaccines in case you need to board your pet. Make sure you have your vet’s phone number on your phone.
  3. If your dog doesn’t travel well, tell your vet. The veterinarians at The Bluffs Pet Clinic can prescribe medications or herbs to reduce their anxiety.  This is also a good time to refill any medications that you may run out of while you are gone.
  4. Plan how to restrain your dog in the car. Whether a kennel, dog seat belt, pet car seat or a barrier between the front and back seat, remember that a sharp turn or sudden brake can throw a loose dog into the car’s side or back of the front seat and harm your pet. If you choose a kennel, make sure it is well ventilated on both sides. Then fit the pet car seat or seat belt well before the trip. Just as it’s important for you to be comfortable in the car, it’s equally important for your pet.
  5. Take a few “practice rounds” with your pet in the kennel, car seat or seat belt. Start by placing your dog in the restraint in the car—without driving. Let him/her adjust to the restraint. Next, take your dog for small drives in the restraint. That way, when it’s travel time, they know exactly what to expect and you’ve reduced their anxiety. Back seats only. Never put your pet in the front seat. If an air bag deploys, it can severely injure your pet.
  6. Also, never travel with your dog in an open truck bed. This is extremely dangerous.
  7. If staying in a pet-friendly hotel, make sure you know if there are weight restrictions before making the reservation. Prevent an unfortunate surprise this way.
  8. Now is also the time to look up a veterinary clinic in the area you will be staying in case of an emergency.

On Trip Day

  1. Make sure you place your dog’s bed or favorite blanket with him/her in the car to help reduce anxiety.
  2. Bring along Fido’s favorite toys. Helps him/her feel at home—wherever you are.
  3. Bring along a photo of your dog that can be printed and duplicated. In the tragic event your dog is lost, you can post pictures to increase the likelihood he/she will be found.
  4. If your pet is on any medications or supplements, then make sure to bring enough to last until you return home.
  5. Pack enough of their dog food to last the entire trip. Vacations are not the time to introduce your dog to a new food. You don’t want your dog to have an upset tummy, (nor do you want to travel with one who does).
  6. Don’t forget their food and water dishes. If you’re short on space, invest in collapsible dishes.
  7. Start out with at least one gallon of water from your home. Dogs don’t always adjust well to new water. Gradually mix in your water with the new sources to reduce the chance of an upset stomach.
  8. Don’t forget the pooper scooper or dog waste bags!

On the Road

  1. Make frequent rest stops for your dog. Always use a leash to walk him/her, and give plenty of time to eliminate and exercise. Then give them more water. It’s very important to keep your dog hydrated during the drive. This is also a good time to give your dog extra love and attention—they’ll love you for it.
  2. Never leave your pet alone in the car. With windows closed at 72°, your car will reach 116° in an hour. At 85°, your car will reach 102° in 10 minutes. With windows slightly open, in 30 minutes it’s 120°. Dogs can suffer irreversible organ damage and/or death. If you see a dog in a hot car with windows rolled up call 911. That pet is in critical danger.

In a Hotel

  1. Please don’t leave your dog alone in a strange place—particularly a hotel. You will stress out your pooch and he/she will probably bark incessantly, leaving you to find a new hotel when you return. No fun for Fido, and no fun for you.
  2. If you have plans and your pup can’t join you, find a local dog daycare for them to spend the day. That way you both get to have fun!

Now you—and your pooch—are ready for a great vacation! As always, if you have any concerns or questions, the staff at The Bluffs is eager to help you. Happy and safe travels for you and your dog!